Saturday, August 18, 2007

Elvis Lives!

This is depressing.

I'm about to head off to Graceland and am certain to see Elvis, and since nobody reads this blog nobody will hear about (or see my pictures of) Elvis. Sad.

Well, the upside is that I will be hearing some great live blues. Unless some horrible fate befalls me, we're staying on Beale Street in downtown Memphis, and great live blues will only be a short walk away. I hope it won't conflict with my bedtime.

Tonight I gird my loins for yet another hotel stay complete with pool and fitness center and I'm full of motivation. There's something about airplane air that saps it out of me, though. After I arrive, I realize I've forgotten to pack my motivation with my running shoes, shorts, swim goggles, and swim trunks. I push them aside, curse the space that they took up in my suitcase, and repack them when I'm ready to come home. Maybe this time will be different.

I'll try and remember some souvenirs. I think Mistress Amber would be much scarier with mutton chop sideburns.

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